American Academy of Financial Management
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2014 Fellow




Business Accreditation Seminar
15–16 July 2014 | Seoul, South Korea

Take a step-by-step look at the AACSB Accreditation process - including a thorough look at each standard - and an inside view at what the peer review teams look for during their visit. Attend this seminar to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the accreditation standards
  • Become familiar with the processes leading to initial accreditation and continuous improvement
  • Network with other deans and administrators who can serve as important resources during the process



Assurance of Learning (AoL) Seminar
17–18 July 2014 | Seoul, South Korea

If the AoL concept is new to you, or if your school is currently creating/implementing a new AoL system, this is your opportunity to learn from the experts. Attend this seminar to:

  • Understand the AoL accreditation standards
  • Learn how to align pedagogy and student assessment to create a catalyst for organizational change
  • Gain the tools needed to put systems and processes in place that reveal AoL